
Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 稳健应用指南Take Back Your Life!书籍详细信息
- ISBN:9780735623439
- 作者:暂无作者
- 出版社:暂无出版社
- 出版时间:2007-06
- 页数:350
- 价格:198.90
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 装帧:平装
- 开本:16开
- 语言:未知
- 丛书:暂无丛书
- TAG:暂无
- 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
If you re bogged down by unrelenting e-mail messages, conflicting commitments, and endless interruptions, it s not too late to reclaim control of your workday and take back your life! By applying the same time management and productivity techniques used by leading companies, you can better manage all of your communications, action items, and interactions. In this book, productivity expert Sally McGhee shows you how to take control and reclaim something you thought you had lost forever: your work-life balance. Now you can benefit from Sally s popular and highly regarded corporate education programs, learning simple but powerful techniques for rebalancing your personal and professional commitments by using the latest productivity features in Microsoft Office Outlook 2007. Learn the proven methods that empower you to clear away distractions and loose ends and focus on what s really important to you and your business. You will discover what defines, and what limits, your personal productivity and learn how to create your own management system. Examine how you collect and store information, process and organize your e-mail messages for efficiency, and plan and prioritize with the calendar features in Office Outlook 2007. Learn what thousands of people worldwide have discovered about taking control of their everyday productivity, and start transforming your own life today! Includes a tear-out poster of the proven McGhee Productivity Solutions Workflow Model suitable for keeping right next to your desk.
Helps you understand what defines, and what limits, your personal productivity.
Demonstrates how to make Office Outlook 2007 part of an effective and highly personalized system for managing the constant stream of information that flows across your desktop.
Delivers the same powerful personal organization techniques from a popular corporate training class taught in some of the world s most successful companies.
Offers an engaging, easy-to-read style for users of all levels.
Applies concepts and models from the fields of behavioral psychology and education.
Who Is This Book For?
Part One Laying the Foundation for Productivity-Using an Integrated Management System
Chapter One Changing Your Approach Changes Your Results
10 Beliefs That Limit Productivity
1.There's Too Much Information Coming at Me Too Fast,and I Can't Keep Up
2.I Get Interrupted Too Many Times
3.I Don't Have the Discipline to Be Organized
4.I Have to Keep Everything
5.It Takes Too Much Time to Get Productive
6.1 Can't Find What l Need When I Need It
7.Organization Cramps My Freedom and Creativity
8.I'm No Good with Technology!
9.There's Not Enough Time in the Day!
10.I'm Not Organized by Nature
Making Changes Involves Letting Go
Chapter Two Defining Productivity
What Is Productivity?
Meaningful Objectives
Strategic Next Actions
Work/Life Balance
The MPS Cycle of Productivity
Step One:Identifying Meaningful Objectives...with Execution Plans
Step Two:Creating Strategic Next Actions...Without Dependencies
Step Three:Scheduling and Completing Strategic Next Actions...Creating Integrity
Step Four:Reviewing and Course Correcting...Being Accountable
Introducing the MPS Action Hierarchy Model
What Gets in the Way of Productivity?
Introducing the Integrated Management System
Collecting System
The Reference System
The Action System
Introducing ControlPanel
Introducing the ControlPanel with the MPS Cycle of Productivity
Bringing It All Together
Chapter Three Creating an Integrated Management System
Phase 1:Collecting
Setting Up a Collecting System
Managing Interruptions
Clearing the Mind Exercise
Phase 2:Processing and Organizing
Setting Up Your Action and Reference Systems
Introducing the MPS Workflow Model
Phase 3:Prioritizing and Planning
Prioritizing and Planning Activities onto the Calendar
Introducing the Weekly Review
Integrating Personal and Business into One System
Integrating Your Personal Life into Your System
Company Policies
Keeping Your Personal Life Separate
Small Things Make a Big Impact
Tools You Need to Get Started
Part Two Creating an Integrated Management System-The Collecting Phase
Chapter Four Setting Up Your Collecting System
Identifying Your Current Collecting Points
Chapter Five Succenssfully Managing Interruptions
Chapter Six Clearing the Mind
Chapter Three Stting Up Your Action System-The Collecting Phase
Part Three Creating an Integrated Management System-The Collecting Phase
Part Four Creating an Integrated Management System-The Proritizing and Planning Phase
Coming Full Circle
Success Factors for Prioritizing and Planning
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A reacognized thought leader and innovator in the field of productivity management,Sally McGhee has trained thousands of people in the corporate environment .She has more than 25 years'experience as a consultant and an executive coach,and is the founder and CEO of McGhee Productivity Solutions.
If you re bogged down by unrelenting e-mail messages, conflicting commitments, and endless interruptions, it s not too late to reclaim control of your workday and take back your life! By applying the same time management and productivity techniques used by leading companies, you can better manage all of your communications, action items, and interactions. In this book, productivity expert Sally McGhee shows you how to take control and reclaim something you thought you had lost forever: your work-life balance. Now you can benefit from Sally s popular and highly regarded corporate education programs, learning simple but powerful techniques for rebalancing your personal and professional commitments by using the latest productivity features in Microsoft Office Outlook 2007. Learn the proven methods that empower you to clear away distractions and loose ends and focus on what s really important to you and your business. You will discover what defines, and what limits, your personal productivity and learn how to create your own management system. Examine how you collect and store information, process and organize your e-mail messages for efficiency, and plan and prioritize with the calendar features in Office Outlook 2007. Learn what thousands of people worldwide have discovered about taking control of their everyday productivity, and start transforming your own life today! Includes a tear-out poster of the proven McGhee Productivity Solutions Workflow Model suitable for keeping right next to your desk.
Helps you understand what defines, and what limits, your personal productivity
Demonstrates how to make Office Outlook 2007 part of an effective and highly personalized system for managing the constant stream of information that flows across your desktop
Delivers the same powerful personal organization techniques from a popular corporate training class taught in some of the world s most successful companies
Offers an engaging, easy-to-read style for users of all levels
Applies concepts and models from the fields of behavioral psychology and education
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