
Mamarazzi: Every Mom'S Guide To Photographing Kids 9780470769102书籍详细信息
- ISBN:9780470769102
- 作者:暂无作者
- 出版社:暂无出版社
- 出版时间:2011-04
- 页数:288
- 价格:204.60
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 装帧:平装
- 开本:16开
- 语言:未知
- 丛书:暂无丛书
- TAG:暂无
- 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
Calling all mamarazzis! Every camera-toting mom will want this
Moms, if you can't seem to take enough great photos of the children
in your life, this is the book for you. Now you can learn how
to photograph children with the style, clarity, color, and beauty
you see in professional photographs. This fun guide combines
humor with solid know-how to show you how to compose shots, handle
cameras from basic compacts to advanced dSLRs, take portraits or
candids, create prints that impress, and even work with kids!
Packed with beautiful examples and written in a down-to-earth style
from one mom to another, this book will help mamarazzis everywhere
take better photos.
Moms are one of the fastest-growing segments of the
camera-toting demographic, and the blogosphere has a term for them,
Mixes information, inspiration, and fun for women who want to take
better photographs of the children in their lives
Explains how to set up a camera and use the controls on basic
compacts up to advanced dSLR cameras
Covers shot composition, determining settings, exposing images
correctly, the essentials of printing images, how to process for
clear and bright color, and more
Includes stunning examples of portraits and candids of
Become a better mamarazzi with this fun and informative guide!
Mamarazzi: Top Tips for Getting Super Kid Shots
Of course, every mamarazzo wants to know how to capture winning
photos of her children. She wants to pick the perfect spots for
shots, use lovely lighting, and make her camera’s bells and
whistles sing. But the true show stopper for most moms is the
ability to capture her child’s true personality in photos. A few
insider tips can do the trick!
Don’t act your age.
The best way to guarantee giggles from your children is to think
like a kid yourself. Figure out what makes them laugh … and then
start the show! This may mean breaking a few rules in honor of
photo time. For instance, let your monkey jump on the bed or plan a
ridiculously bubbly bath time.
But whatever you do, aim to capture the magic of childhood. Grab
close ups of your son’s grass-stained knees. Or keep your distance
and zoom out to show your daughter at play in her room. Use your
imagination--right along with your child--to grab some great
Catch smiling siblings.
Sibling shots are the pièce de résistance for nearly every
mama--and papa, for that matter! But they can also be the most
difficult images to get. How can you capture the charisma (or
chaos!) of siblings without taking a trip to the looney bin?
Here’s an idea: Gather your crew and engage them in a
fun-for-all activity, like blowing bubbles, playing in the
sprinkler, or building a blanket fort. Step back and capture the
candids that ensue.
Or hop into the Director’s chair for some shots. Mix up the
words to a standard song to get a few grins. Suggest a jumping
contest or try a tickle fest for fun. Balance something on your
head and then let it fall to the floor. Engage your inner actress
and make a big deal over the funny fails.
Encourage siblings to get close (closer … no, ever closer!) to
each other as you snap your shots. Chances are, if they’re having
fun, they won’t mind the close quarters … and yep, it even works
with toddlers and tweens!
Give ‘em some star treatment.
A seemingly simple tip that can go a long way to improve your
mamarazzo moments is to handle your “star” with care. Be fun,
honest, and kind to your child when you’re behind the camera.
Make picture time fun … and enjoy the experience … rather than
just getting the shot. Play games, tell jokes, or act silly along
with your child. And if your children are old enough, let them be
part of the photography process. Encourage your daughter to choose
her own funky photo outfits. Or have your son pick his favorite
places for picture-taking. If you make it fun, chances are that
you’ll all enjoy camera time together.
Remember to be kind to your child, especially when taking
photos. You’ll want your child to feel cherished rather than
chastised when the shutter is snapping. So keep your cool, mama.
And no matter how much your kids push your buttons when you’re
trying to (wo)man the camera, keep it fun and upbeat. And when
you’re tapped out, close the curtain!
With these tips, you’re sure to capture the winning shots you
want. And even better, you might just earn a repeat performance the
next time you bring out your camera!
Take One: Roll Out the Red Carpet!
Chapter 1: Get Ready Get Set.
The Star.
The Lights!
The Set.
The Show.
Inside Scoop from Photography Superstars (Rebecca Worple).
Chapter 2: Get the Picture.
Fill the Frame.
Get Down, Get Down.
Remember the Rule … of Thirds.
Find your Focus.
Shoot 'Em Up.
Consider the Color.
Decent Exposure.
Inside Scoop from Photography Superstars (Joyce Smith).
Take Two: Lights!
Chapter 3: Natural Beauty.
Catchlight Clues.
Watch Your Back.
Shed Some Light on It.
Find Direction.
Top/ Bottom Lighting.
Inside Scoop from Photography Superstars (Marla Carter).
Chapter 4: Control Freak.
Bounce Back.
Spread the Love.
Flash Mob.
You've Got It.
Inside Scoop from Photography Superstars (Tara Whitney).
Take Three: Camera!
Chapter 5: Shopping Spree.
The Mega Misunderstanding.
Steady Does It.
Find Junior with Face Finder.
On the Move.
Wait for It.
The Little Guys.
The Big Guns.
Choose your Weapon.
The Canon vs. Nikon Rivalry.
Inside Scoop from Photography Superstars (Lena Hyde).
Chapter 6: Camera Crew.
Need for (Shutter) Speed.
The Triangle.
Get out of the (Little Green) Box.
Feed the Meter.
Cheat Sheet.
Quality Control.
Best Bling (Stacy Wasmuth).
Chapter 7: Compose and Create.
Inside Scoop from Photography Superstars (Audrey Woulard).
Take Four: (Inter)Action!
Chapter 8: Ages and Stages.
Ready-to-Pop Culture.
A Star is Born.
The Backpack Set.
Tweeny Boppers.
Inside Scoop from Photography Superstars (Carrie Sandoval).
Chapter 9: What to Wear.
Style Basics.
Clothing Guidelines.
Go Easy on Dad.
Keep your Eye on the Prize.
Inside Scoop from Photography Superstars (Laura Siebert).
Chapter 10: No Cheese Please.
The Thing on My Head.
No Peeking.
The Silly Song.
The Competition.
The Group Effort.
The Last Resort(s).
Inside Scoop from Photography Superstars (Rebecca Mudrick).
Inside Scoop from Photography Superstars (Gillian Gauthier).
Chapter 11: Milestones and Memories.
Vacation Photos.
Special Events.
Momentous Milestones.
Inside Scoop from Photography Superstars (Amy Smith).
Wrap: The After Party!
Chapter 12: Finishing Touches.
Choices, choices.
Work It Out.
Color Blind.
Proceed with Caution.
Inside Scoop from Photography Superstars (Sherry Petersik).
Chapter 13: Show It Off.
The Fine Print.
A World Wide Wonder.
Wall Flower.
Décor Diva.
Inside Scoop from Photography Superstars(Kelle Hampton).
Chapter 14: Hired Help.
Step Away from the Camera, Ma'am.
Be Choosey.
Find a Keeper.
Invest in Quality Memories.
Go for It.
A Note on US Copyright.
Stacy Wasmuth is a professional photographer and a mamarazzo who
freely admits that photographing her own children may be her most
challenging assignment. Stacy's client list includes celebrities as
well as many not quite famous, but equally fabulous families and
children. View her work at bluecandyphotography.com.
在线阅读地址:Mamarazzi: Every Mom'S Guide To Photographing Kids 9780470769102在线阅读
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在线购买地址:Mamarazzi: Every Mom'S Guide To Photographing Kids 9780470769102在线购买
Calling all mamarazzis! Every camera-toting mom will want this guide! Moms, if you can't seem to take enough great photos of the children in your life, this is the book for you. Now you can learn how to photograph children with the style, clarity, color, and beauty you see in professional photographs. This fun guide combines humor with solid know-how to show you how to compose shots, handle cameras from basic compacts to advanced dSLRs, take portraits or candids, create prints that impress, and even work with kids! Packed with beautiful examples and written in a down-to-earth style from one mom to another, this book will help mamarazzis everywhere take better photos. Moms are one of the fastest-growing segments of the camera-toting demographic, and the blogosphere has a term for them, mamarazzis Mixes information, inspiration, and fun for women who want to take better photographs of the children in their lives Explains how to set up a camera and use the controls on basic compacts up to advanced dSLR cameras Covers shot composition, determining settings, exposing images correctly, the essentials of printing images, how to process for clear and bright color, and more Includes stunning examples of portraits and candids of children Become a better mamarazzi with this fun and informative guide!
Mamarazzi: Top Tips for Getting Super Kid Shots
Of course, every mamarazzo wants to know how to capture winning photos of her children. She wants to pick the perfect spots for shots, use lovely lighting, and make her camera’s bells and whistles sing. But the true show stopper for most moms is the ability to capture her child’s true personality in photos. A few insider tips can do the trick!
Don’t act your age.
The best way to guarantee giggles from your children is to think like a kid yourself. Figure out what makes them laugh … and then start the show! This may mean breaking a few rules in honor of photo time. For instance, let your monkey jump on the bed or plan a ridiculously bubbly bath time.
But whatever you do, aim to capture the magic of childhood. Grab close ups of your son’s grass-stained knees. Or keep your distance and zoom out to show your daughter at play in her room. Use your imagination--right along with your child--to grab some great captures.
Catch smiling siblings.
Sibling shots are the pièce de résistance for nearly every mama--and papa, for that matter! But they can also be the most difficult images to get. How can you capture the charisma (or chaos!) of siblings without taking a trip to the looney bin?
Here’s an idea: Gather your crew and engage them in a fun-for-all activity, like blowing bubbles, playing in the sprinkler, or building a blanket fort. Step back and capture the candids that ensue.
Or hop into the Director’s chair for some shots. Mix up the words to a standard song to get a few grins. Suggest a jumping contest or try a tickle fest for fun. Balance something on your head and then let it fall to the floor. Engage your inner actress and make a big deal over the funny fails.
Encourage siblings to get close (closer … no, ever closer!) to each other as you snap your shots. Chances are, if they’re having fun, they won’t mind the close quarters … and yep, it even works with toddlers and tweens!
Give ‘em some star treatment.
A seemingly simple tip that can go a long way to improve your mamarazzo moments is to handle your “star” with care. Be fun, honest, and kind to your child when you’re behind the camera.
Make picture time fun … and enjoy the experience … rather than just getting the shot. Play games, tell jokes, or act silly along with your child. And if your children are old enough, let them be part of the photography process. Encourage your daughter to choose her own funky photo outfits. Or have your son pick his favorite places for picture-taking. If you make it fun, chances are that you’ll all enjoy camera time together.
Remember to be kind to your child, especially when taking photos. You’ll want your child to feel cherished rather than chastised when the shutter is snapping. So keep your cool, mama. And no matter how much your kids push your buttons when you’re trying to (wo)man the camera, keep it fun and upbeat. And when you’re tapped out, close the curtain!
With these tips, you’re sure to capture the winning shots you want. And even better, you might just earn a repeat performance the next time you bring out your camera!
Photo Examples
The Right Lighting Picking Clothes Sibling Photos
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