
钢结构稳定 理论与应用书籍详细信息
- ISBN:9787512396418
- 作者:暂无作者
- 出版社:暂无出版社
- 出版时间:2017-04
- 页数:暂无页数
- 价格:126.70
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 装帧:精装
- 开本:16开
- 语言:未知
- 丛书:暂无丛书
- TAG:暂无
- 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
PrefaceForewordNotationGlossaryChapter 1 Introduction 11.1 Types of Instability 11.2 Methods of Stability Analysis 61.3 Stability of Perfect Mechanical Models 81.4 Stability of Imperfect Mechanical Models 181.5 Stability of Snap-Through Mechanical Model 221.6 Mechanical Properties of Structural Steel 261.7 Residual Stress Distributions in Steel Members 321.8 Behavior and Steel Structure Design 36Problem 49References 51Chapter 2 Flexural Buckling of Centrally Compressed Members 552.1 Introduction 552.2 Elastic Flexural Buckling of Centrally Compressed Members 562.3 Centrally Compressed Members with End Restrain 572.4 Effective Length Factors of Centrally Compressed Members 642.5 Elastic Large Deflection Analysis of Centrally Compressed Members 802.6 Effect of Initial Geometrical Imperfections on Centrally Compressed Members 842.7 Inelastic Flexural Buckling of Centrally Compressed Members 902.8 Effect of Residual Stresses on Centrally Compressed Members 992.9 Application of Stability Theory of Centrally Compressed Members on Steel Structure Design 105Problems 131References 133Chapter 3 In-Plane Stability of Beam-Columns 1363.1 Introduction 1363.2 Deformations and Internal Forces of Simply Supported Elastic Beam-Columns under Transverse Loads 1383.3 Deformations and Internal Forces of Fixed Ended Elastic Beam-Columns under Transverse Loads 1463.4 Deformations and Internal Forces of Elastic Beam-Column under end Moments 1513.5 Equivalent Moment and Equivalent Moment Factor of Beam-Column 1553.6 Slope-Deflection Equations of Elastic Beam-Column without Sway 1593.7 Slope-Deflection Equations of Elastic Beam-Column with Sway 1633.8 Slope-Deflection Equations of Elastic Beam-Column under Transverse Loads 1643.9 In-Plane Ultimate Load of Beam-Column 1673.10 Application of In-Plane Stability Theory of Beam-Columns on Steel Structure Design 1813.11 Further Investigations of In-Plane Strength of Non-Sway Beam-Columns 202Problems 209References 210Chapter 4 In-Plane Stability of Frames 2134.1 Types of Instability of Frames 2134.2 Elastic Buckling Loads of Frames by Equilibrium Method 2164.3 Elastic Buckling Loads of Frames by Slope-Deflection Method 2204.4 Elastic Buckling of Multi-Story Frames 2284.5 Elastic Buckling Loads of Multistory Frames by Approximate Method 2304.6 Stability of Frames under Primary Bending Moment 2434.7 Elastic-Plastic Stability of Frames 2494.8 Ultimate Loads of Sway Frames 2514.9 Application of Stability Theory of Frames on Steel Structure Design 2684.10 Overall Design Method of In-Plane Stability of Frame—Direct Analysis (Advanced Analysis) Method 3004.11 Moment Rotation Curves of Beam-to-Column Connections and Design of Semi-Rigid Frames 3184.12 Overall In-Plane Buckling of Single-Story Multi-Bay Pitched-Roof Frames 359Problems 365References 367Chapter 5 Approximate Methods of Stability Analysis 3725.1 Introduction 3725.2 Principle of Energy Conservation 3735.3 Principle of Stationary Value of Potential Energy and Principle of Minimum Potential Energy 3775.4 Rayleigh-Ritz Method 3835.5 Galerkin Method 3875.6 Finite Difference Method 3895.7 Finite Integral Method 3955.8 Finite Element Method 4025.9 Using Finite Element Method to Determine Effective Length Factors of The Unbraced Tapered Portal Framed Column 414Problems 420References 421Chapter 6 Torsional Buckling and Flexural- Torsional Buckling of Compression Members 4226.1 Introduction 4226.2 Shear Center of Thin-Walled Open Section Members 4246.3 Torsion of Thin-Walled Open Section Members 4276.4 Elastic Torsional Buckling of Centrally Compressed Members 4416.5 Elastic-Plastic Torsional Buckleng of Centrally Compressed Members 4516.6 Elastic Flexural-Torsional Buckling of Centrally Compressed Members 4566.7 Elastic-Plastic Flexural-Torsional Buckling of Centrally Compressed Members 4656.8 Application of Torsional and Flexural-Torsional Buckling Theories of Centrally Compressed Members on Steel Structure Design 473Problem 482References 483Appendix–Derivations of Ixf, Iyf, Ixyf, Ix, Iy, and I? for Sloping Lipped Channel 484Chapter 7 Flexural-Torsional Buckling of Beams 4897.1 Introduction 4897.2 Elastic Flexural-Torsional Buckling of Beams under Uniform Bending 4917.3 Beams under Unequal end Moments 4997.4 Beams under Transverse Loads 5017.5 Elastic Flexural-Torsional Buckling of Beams with Varying Cross-Section 5127.6 Elastic-Plastic Flexural-Torsional Buckling of Beams 5187.7 Application of Flexural-Torsional Buckling Theory of Beams on Steel Structure Design 5267.8 Ultimate Capacities and Design Formulas of Biaxial Bending Beams 5657.9 Single Angle Flexural Members 575Problems 580References 581Chapter 8 Flexural-Torsional Buckling of Beam-Columns 5858.1 Introduction 5858.2 Flexural-Torsional Buckling of Beam-Column by Energy Method 5918.3 Elastic-Plastic Flexural-Torsional Buckling of Beam-Column 5958.4 Application of Flexural-Torsional Buckling Theories of Beam-Columns on Steel Design 599Problem 607References 608Chapter 9 Beam-Columns under Biaxial Bending 6099.1 Elastic Differential Equilibrium Equations of Beam-Columns under Biaxial Bending 6099.2 Flexural-Torsional Buckling Interaction Curves of Uniform Biaxial Bending Beam-Columns 6129.3 Application of Biaxial Bending Theory of Beam-Columns for Steel Structural Design 615References 623Chapter 10 I-Section Beams and Beam-Columns under Bending and Torsion 62510.1 Governing Differential Equations of Biaxial Bending Beam with Torsion 62510.2 Testing Investigations for Steel Combined Flexure and Torsion of I-Shape Beams 64110.3 Design Methodolgyo for Ultimate Limit States and Serviceability limit States 65310.4 Summary and Conclusions 654References 655Chapter 11 Distortional Buckling of Steel I-Section Beams and Beam-Columns 65711.1 Distortional Buckling of Steel Bi-Symmetric I-Section Beams 65711.2 Theoretical Analysis on Distortional Buckling of Bi-Symmetric I-Section Beams 65911.3 Theoretical Analysis on Distortional Buckling of Mono-symmetric I-Section Beams 66111.4 Distortional Buckling of Steel Bi-Symmetric I-Section Beam-Columns 666References 667Chapter 12 Steel Beams with Corrugated Webs 66912.1 Introduction 66912.2 The Types of Corrugated Web Beams 66912.3 Recent Application of Corrugated Steel Web I-Girders in Buildings and Bridges 66912.4 A Review on Corrugated Steel Web I-Girder 67012.5 Passing Bridges and Buildings with Corrugated Steel Web I-Girder 67112.6 Flange Normal Stresses Due to In-Plane Bending 67312.7 Shear Strength Capacity of Corrugated Webs I-Girder 67512.8 Flexural-Torsional Buckling of Corrugated Webs I-Girder 67812.9 Calculate I-Section Properties 68412.10 Considering Point Load Height Effects, Determine Moment Modification Factor 68412.11 Transplant Theoretical and Pratical Design Method to GB 50017—2014 69412.12 Moment Gradient Correction Factor and Inelastic Flexural-Torsional Buckling of I-Girder with Corrugated Steel Webs 69712.13 Conclusion 699References 700Chapter 13 Buckling of Thin Plates 70213.1 Introduction 70213.2 Equilibrium Equations of a Plate by Small Defection Theory 70313.3 Elastic Buckling Loads of Simply Supported Plates under Uniform Compression in One Direction 70913.4 Elastic Buckling Loads of Plates by Energy Method 71213.5 Elastic Buckling of Simply Supported Plates under Non-Uniform Bending 71713.6 Elastic Buckling of Simply Supported Plates under Uniform Shear 72013.7 Differential Equations of Plates by Large Deflection Theory 72213.8 Post-Buckling Strength of Simply Supported Plates under Uniform Compression 72713.9 Elastic-Plastic Buckling Analysis of Plates 73313.10 Application of Buckling Theory of Plates on Steel Structure Design 74213.11 Plate Elements in a Centrally Compressed Member 74413.12 Web in Beam and Stability Design of Plate Girder 75213.13 Plate Elements in Beam-Columns 78213.14 Provisions of Classification and Recommendation for Limit State Design of Steel Structures in Architectural Institute of Japan 79213.15 Effective Width of Plate Elements in Cold-Formed Steel Sections 81113.16 Design of Axially Loaded Slender Compression Members 84613.17 Utilization of Web Post-Buckling Strength in Slender I-Section Beam-Columns 85913.18 Buckling Tests on Cold-Formed Hollow Section of Beam-Columns 869Problems 876References 877Chapter 14 Buckling of Cold-Formed Steel Members 88314.1 Buckling of Cold-Formed Steel Columns and Beams with Holes 88314.2 Global Flexural Buckling of Cold-Formed Steel Perforated Columns 88314.3 Flexural-Torsional Buckling of Cold-Formed Steel Perforated Beams 88614.4 Distortional Buckling Load of Cold-Formed Steel Perforated Columns and Beams 88614.5 Local Buckling Load of Cold-Formed Steel Perforated Columns and Beams 88714.6 Cold-Formed web Crippling 89714.7 Tests and Design of Cold-Formed Channels under web Crippling 89814.8 Behaviour of Stainless Steel Oval Hollow Section(OHS)Members 90614.9 Structural Response of Stainless Steel Oval Hollow Section Members under Compression 90814.10 Direct Strength Method (DSM) of Cold-Formed Member Design 91314.11 Direct Strength Method for Buckling Capacity of Cold-Formed Steel Members with Uniform and Non-Uniform Elevated Temperatures 92814.12 Direct Strength Method for Buckling Capacity of Cold-Formed Steel Beams with Uniform and Non-Uniform Elevated Temperature 93614.13 Conclusions 95314.14 Recent Investigations on Lateral-Torsional Buckling of Beams in Fire 95414.15 Lateral-Torsional Buckling Behaviour of Cellular Beams 96014.16 Lateral-Torsional Buckling Behaviour of Cellular Beams in Case of Fire 97714.17 Conclusions 984References 984Chapter 15 Buckling of Cylindrical Sheels 99015.1 Introduction 99015.2 Equilibrium Equations of Cylinderical Shell by Small Deflection Theory 99015.3 Elastic Buckling of Cylindrical Sheel under Axial Compression 99415.4 Differential Equations on Large Deflection Theory of Cylindrical Shell 99615.5 Buckling of Imperfect Cylindrical Shell 99815.6 Elastic Buckling of Cylindrical Shell under Uniform Hoop Compression 100515.7 Cylindrical Buckling under Combined Axial and Hoop Loadings 100915.8 Elastiuc Buckling of Cylindrical Shell under Torsion 101315.9 Further Investigations for Imperfect Cylindrical Shells under External Pressure 101715.10 Conculusions 1021References 1022Answers to Some Selected Problems 1025APPENDIX A 1033AUTHOR INDEX 1180SUBJECT INDEX 1188POSTSCRIPT 1200
陈骥,西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院,教授主要教学经历(授课名称、授课对象等):1. 为建筑学和工建专业讲授钢结构稳定理论与设计2. 为原建工学校和本校工建专业硕士和博士研究生讲授钢结构稳定理论指导硕士和博士研究生的毕业论文曾经编写的教材或专著情况(著作名称、出版时间、出版单位等):1.”钢结构构件计算”1978年6月,与蒋焕南合编,由中国建筑工业出版社,先后出版三版2. 1991年参与编写由Beedle, L. S.主编的”Stability of Metal Structures –A world Vie w “中第2章”Built-Up-Members”3.1991年6月参与由陈绍蕃教授主编的”钢结构”中的第四章和第六章,由中国建筑工业出版社,先后出版两版4. 1994年9月本人编著,由科学技术文献出版社出版的”钢结构稳定理论与应用”5. 2001年2月本人编著,由科学出版社出版”钢结构稳定理论与设计”先后出六版,即将出第七版6.与陈浩军教授合编”STABILITY OF STEEL STRUCTURES-THEORY AND DESIGN, 钢结构稳定理论与设计”这是陈浩军教授在日本作为访问学者时, 将中文稿翻译成了英文, 2010年3月由电力出版社出版7. 2014年9月本人编著,由科学出版社出版的”薄壁构件的弹性与弹塑性弯曲与扭转简明教程,Elastic and Elastic-Plastic Bending and Torsion of Thin-Walled Members”8. 2014年9月本人编著,由科学出版社出版的”TORSIONAL ANALYSIS OF STEEL STRUCTURAL THEORY AND DESIGN (钢结构构件的扭转分析-理论与设计)”
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The publication of this text-book “Stability of Steel Structures Theory and Application” edition reflects the recently research advancement on the steel stability theory and design, which is selected in this second edition. These contents are as follows:(1) Using some new practical examples to predicate the elastic and inelastic, linear and nonlinear behaviors of steel structures.(2) Stability design of build-up beam-columns.(3) Theoretical analysis and stability design of steel columns, beams and beam-columns under combined actions of compression, bending and torsion.(4) Theoretical analysis and experimental investigation of sinusoidally and trapesoidally corrugated webs steel I-girders, about shear strength, moment bending and flexural-torsional moment capacities as well as their practical design methods.(5) The new provisions of Recommendation for Limit State Design of Steel Structures AIJ—2010, instead of the corresponding AIJ—2002 content.(6) The new provisions of Specification for Structural Steel Buildings ANSI/AISC 360—2010, instead of the corresponding ANSI/AISC 360—2005 content.(7) Theoretical analysis, testing investigation and design method on axial compression strength capacity of single-angles connected with truss chords in same side of planar truss including the design visions of GB 50017—2014, JRA PartⅡ—2002 and ANSI/AISC 360—2010.(8) Buckling of cylindrical shells under axial compression, uniform hoop compression and torsion respectively and buckling of cylindrical shells under combined axial compression and uniform hoop compression.(9) Buckling analysis and practical design formulas of perforated cold-formed steel columns and beams.(10) Tests and design of cold-formed of web crippling.(11) Behavior of stainless steel cold-formed oval hollow section (OHS) members.(12) Direct Strength Method (DSM) for buckling capacity of steel cold-formed member design and its uses in uniform as well as non-uniform elevated temperatures.(13) Analytical, experimental investigations and design methods for columns, beams and beam-columns under uniform and non-uniform, elevated and ambient temperature distributions leading to flexural or lateral-torsional buckling.(14) Development of Direct Strength Method (DSM) for welded steel columns with buckling interactions. Readers of this book are urged to communicate with authors regarding all aspects of this book, particularly on identification of errors and suggestions for improvement.The editor gives a special credit to his wife Shen Xiuzhen and their family members on their patience and encouragement.
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