
WITH THE OLD BREED (MTI)(ISBN=9780891419068)书籍详细信息
- ISBN:9780891419068
- 作者:暂无作者
- 出版社:暂无出版社
- 出版时间:2007-05
- 页数:352
- 价格:69.00
- 纸张:胶版纸
- 装帧:平装
- 开本:16开
- 语言:未知
- 丛书:暂无丛书
- TAG:暂无
- 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
In The Wall Street Journal, Victor Davis Hanson named With the
Old Breed one of the top five books on epic twentieth-century
battles. Studs Terkel interviewed the author for his definitive
oral history, The Good War. Now E. B. Sledge’s acclaimed
first-person account of fighting at Peleliu and Okinawa returns to
thrill, edify, and inspire a new generation.
An Alabama boy steeped in American history and enamored of such
heroes as George Washington and Daniel Boone, Eugene B. Sledge
became part of the war’s famous 1st Marine Division–3d Battalion,
5th Marines. Even after intense training, he was shocked to be
thrown into the battle of Peleliu, where “the world was a nightmare
of flashes, explosions, and snapping bullets.” By the time Sledge
hit the hell of Okinawa, he was a combat vet, still filled with
fear but no longer with panic.
Based on notes Sledge secretly kept in a copy of the New
Testament, With the Old Breed captures with utter simplicity and
searing honesty the experience of a soldier in the fierce Pacific
Theater. Here is what saved, threatened, and changed his life.
Here, too, is the story of how he learned to hate and kill–and came
to love–his fellow man.
E. B. "Sledgehammer" SLEDGE was born and grew up in Mobile. In
late 1943 he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps. After basic
training, he was sent to the Pacific Theater where he fought at
Peleliu and Okinawa, two of the fiercest battles of WW II.
Following the Japanese surrender, Sledge served in China as part of
the occupation force. Upon his return home, he obtained a Ph.D. in
biology and joined the faculty of Alabama College (later the
University of Montevallo), where he taught until retirement. Sledge
initially wrote about his war experiences to explain them to his
family, but he was persuaded by his wife to seek publication.
Sledge died on March 3, 2001.
Chapter OneMaking of a MarineI enlisted in the Marine Corps on
3 December 1942 at Marion, Alabama. At the time I was a freshman at
MarionMilitary Institute. My parents and brother Edward had urgedme
to stay in college as long as possible in order to qualify fora
commission in some technical branch of the U.S. Army.
But, prompted by a deep feeling of uneasiness that the warmight
end before I could get overseas into combat, I wantedto enlist in
the Marine Corps as soon as possible. Ed, aCitadel graduate and a
second lieutenant in the army, suggestedlife would be more
beautiful for me as an officer.
Mother and Father were mildly distraught at the thought ofme in
the Marines as an enlisted man–that is, “cannon fodder.”So when a
Marine recruiting team came to Marion Institute,I compromised and
signed up for one of the Corps’ newofficer training programs. It
was called V-12.
The recruiting sergeant wore dress blue trousers, a khakishirt,
necktie, and white barracks hat. His shoes had a shinethe likes of
which I’d never seen. He asked me lots of questionsand filled out
numerous official papers. When he asked,“Any scars, birthmarks, or
other unusual features?” I describedan inch-long scar on my right
knee. I asked why sucha question. He replied, “So they can identify
you on some Pacificbeach after the Japs blast off your dog tags.”
This wasmy introduction to the stark realism that characterized
theMarine Corps I later came to know.
The college year ended the last week of May 1943. I hadthe month
of June at home in Mobile before I had to report 1July for duty at
Georgia Tech in Atlanta.
I enjoyed the train trip from Mobile to Atlanta because thetrain
had a steam engine. The smoke smelled good, and thewhistle added a
plaintive note reminiscent of an unhurriedlife. The porters were
impressed and most solicitous when Itold them, with no little
pride, that I was on my way to becominga Marine. My official Marine
Corps meal ticket got me alarge, delicious shrimp salad in the
dining car and the admiringglances of the steward in
On my arrival in Atlanta, a taxi deposited me at GeorgiaTech,
where the 180-man Marine detachment lived in HarrisonDormitory.
Recruits were scheduled to attend classesyear round (in my case,
about two years), graduate, and thengo to the Marine base at
Quantico, Virginia, for officers’training.
A Marine regular, Capt. Donald Payzant, was in charge.
He had served with the 1st Marine Division on Guadalcanal.
Seeming to glory in his duty and his job as our commander,he
loved the Corps and was salty and full of swagger. Lookingback, I
realize now that he had survived the meat grinderof combat and was
simply glad to be in one piece with thegood fortune of being
stationed at a peaceful college campus.
Life at Georgia Tech was easy and comfortable. In short,we didn’t
know there was a war going on. Most of the collegecourses were dull
and uninspiring. Many of the professorsopenly resented our
presence. It was all but impossible toconcentrate on academics.
Most of us felt we had joined theMarines to fight, but here we were
college boys again. Thesituation was more than many of us could
stand. At the end ofthe first semester, ninety of us–half of the
detachment–flunked out of school so we could go into the Corps as
When the navy officer in charge of academic affairs calledme in
to question me about my poor academic performance, Itold him I
hadn’t joined the Marine Corps to sit out the war incollege. He was
sympathetic to the point of being fatherlyand said he would feel
the same way if he were in my place.
Captain Payzant gave the ninety of us a pep talk in front ofthe
dormitory the morning we were to board the train for bootcamp at
the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego, California.
He told us we were the best men and the best Marines inthe
detachment. He said he admired our spirit for wanting toget into
the war. I think he was sincere.
After the pep talk, buses took us to the railway station. Wesang
and cheered the whole way. We were on our way to warat last. If we
had only known what lay ahead of us!
Approximately two and a half years later, I came backthrough the
Atlanta railway station on my way home. Shortlyafter I stepped off
the car for a stroll, a young army infantrymanwalked up to me and
shook hands. He said he had noticedmy 1st Marine Division patch and
the campaign ribbonson my chest and wondered if I had fought at
Peleliu. When Isaid I had, he told me he just wanted to express his
undyingadmiration for men of the 1st Marine Division.
He had fought with the 81st Infantry Division (Wildcats),which
had come in to help us at Peleliu.* He was a machinegunner, had
been hit by Japanese fire on Bloody Nose Ridge,
and was abandoned by his army comrades. He knew hewould either
die of his wounds or be cut up by the Japanesewhen darkness fell.
Risking their lives, some Marines hadmoved in and carried him to
safety. The soldier said he was soimpressed by the bravery,
efficiency, and esprit of theMarines he saw on Peleliu that he
swore to thank every veteranof the 1st Marine Division he ever ran
The “Dago people”–as those of us bound for San Diegowere
called–boarded a troop train in a big railroad terminalin Atlanta.
Everyone was in high spirits, as though we wereheaded for a picnic
instead of boot camp–and a war. The tripacross the country took
several days and was uneventful butinteresting. Most of us had
never been west, and we enjoyedthe scenery. The monotony of the
trip was broken with cardgames, playing jokes on each other, and
waving, yelling, andwhistling at any and all women visible. We ate
some meals indining cars on the train; but at certain places the
train pulledonto a siding, and we ate in the restaurant in the
railroad terminal.
Nearly all of the rail traffic we passed was military. We sawlong
trains composed almost entirely of flatcars loaded withtanks,
halftracks, artillery pieces, trucks, and other militaryequipment.
Many troop trains passed us going both ways.
Most of them carried army troops. This rail traffic impressedon
us the enormousness of the nation’s war effort.
*Together with the 1st Marine Division, the U.S. Army’s 81st
Infantry Divisioncomprised the III Amphibious Corps commanded by
Maj. Gen. Roy S.
Geiger, USMC. For the Palau operation, the 1st Marine Division
assaultedPeleliu on 15 September 1944 while the 81st Division took
Angaur Islandand provided a regiment as corps reserve. The 81st
Division relieved the 1stMarine Division on Peleliu on 20 October
and secured the island on 27 November.
We arrived in San Diego early one morning. Collecting ourgear, we
fell into ranks outside our cars as a first sergeantcame along and
told the NCOs on our train which buses to getus aboard. This first
sergeant looked old to us teenagers. Likeourselves, he was dressed
in a green wool Marine uniform,
but he had campaign ribbons on his chest. He also wore thegreen
French fourragère on his left shoulder. (Later, as amember of the
5th Marine Regiment, I would wear thebraided cord around my left
arm with pride.) But this mansported, in addition, two single loops
outside his arm. Thatmeant he had served with a regiment (either
the 5th or 6thMarines) that had received the award from France for
distinguishedcombat service in World War I.
The sergeant made a few brief remarks to us about thetough
training we faced. He seemed friendly and compassionate,
almost fatherly. His manner threw us into a falsesense of
well-being and left us totally unprepared for theshock that awaited
us when we got off those buses.
“Fall out, and board your assigned buses!” ordered the
“All right, you people. Get aboard them buses!” the NCOsyelled.
They seemed to have become more authoritarian aswe approached San
After a ride of only a few miles, the buses rolled to a stop
inthe big Marine Corps Recruit Depot–boot camp. As Ilooked
anxiously out the window, I saw many platoons of recruitsmarching
along the streets. Each drill instructor (DI)bellowed his highly
individual cadence. The recruits lookedas rigid as sardines in a
can. I grew nervous at seeing howserious–or rather, scared–they
“All right, you people, off them damned buses!”
We scrambled out, lined up with men from the other buses,
and were counted off into groups of about sixty. Severaltrucks
rolled by carrying work parties of men still in bootcamp or who had
finished recently. All looked at us withknowing grins and jeered,
“You’ll be sorreee.” This was thestandard, unofficial greeting
extended to all recruits.
Shortly after we debused, a corporal walked over to mygroup. He
yelled, “Patoon, teehut. Right hace, forwart huah.
Double time, huah.”
He ran us up and down the streets for what seemed hoursand
finally to a double line of huts that would house us for atime. We
were breathless. He didn’t even seem to be breathinghard.
“Patoon halt, right hace!” He put his hands on his hips andlooked
us over contemptuously. “You people are stupid,” hebellowed. From
then on he tried to prove it every moment ofevery day. “My name is
Corporal Doherty. I’m your drill instructor.
This is Platoon 984. If any of you idiots think youdon’t need to
follow my orders, just step right out...
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在部队里,我们对目标岛屿的自然条件知之甚少。在帕武武的一次训练课上,我们得知必须拿下贝里琉,以保证道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟将军反攻菲律宾的右翼安全,另外它还有一个好的机场可以支援麦克阿瑟。我想不起来是什么时候听到了这个岛屿的名字,尽管我们在课堂上看到了换防图和设计图。(它有一个好听的名字:Pel'e loo。)尽管我们从帕武武写的信都被仔细审查,但指挥官显然仍害怕有人会借此机会用密码写出一些东西让家乡的人知道,我们将攻打一个叫做贝里琉的岛屿。可正如一位战友后来告诉我的,家里没人知道在一张地图上到哪儿能找到它。
"Eugene Sledge became more than a legend with his memoir,
With The Old Breed
. He became a chronicler, a historian, a
storyteller who turns the extremes of the war in the Pacific —the
terror, the camaraderie, the banal and the extraordinary—into terms
we mortals can grasp."—Tom Hanks
“In all the literature on the Second World War, there is not a
more honest, realistic or moving memoir than Eugene Sledge's. This
is the real deal, the real war: unvarnished, brutal, without a
shred of sentimentality or false patriotism, a profound primer on
what it actually was like to be in that war. It is a classic that
will outlive all the armchair generals' safe accounts of—not the
"good war"—but the worst war ever.”—Ken Burns
In The Wall Street Journal , Victor Davis Hanson named With the Old Breed one of the top five books on epic twentieth-century battles. Studs Terkel interviewed the author for his definitive oral history, The Good War . Now E. B. Sledge’s acclaimed first-person account of fighting at Peleliu and Okinawa returns to thrill, edify, and inspire a new generation.
An Alabama boy steeped in American history and enamored of such heroes as George Washington and Daniel Boone, Eugene B. Sledge became part of the war’s famous 1st Marine Division–3d Battalion, 5th Marines. Even after intense training, he was shocked to be thrown into the battle of Peleliu, where “the world was a nightmare of flashes, explosions, and snapping bullets.” By the time Sledge hit the hell of Okinawa, he was a combat vet, still filled with fear but no longer with panic.
Based on notes Sledge secretly kept in a copy of the New Testament, With the Old Breed captures with utter simplicity and searing honesty the experience of a soldier in the fierce Pacific Theater. Here is what saved, threatened, and changed his life. Here, too, is the story of how he learned to hate and kill–and came to love–his fellow man.
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